Project Description

We were asked to develop a brand and website for a non-profit organization called Psychology21c. Their goal is to promote the advancement of the field of psychology into the 21st century by publishing and sharing relevant thoughtpieces, and funding and supporting research initiatives that fall within their 7 realms of progress.

The challenge here was to structure a website with robust blogging functionality that could present their ideas as a cohesive whole, while clearly separating out the 7 realms into just that — realms.

A primary initiative was to make the site as image rich as possible. Without the luxury of a professional photographer, we used stock imagery to fulfill this request. We curated a collection of textural background images that related to their 7 realms of progress and could serve as identifiers of each realm. All of these images were branded with a duotone effect to enable them to work better as backgrounds without overpowering the underlying content, and to help them read less as stock images.

It was important for users’ interactions with the site to feel as forward thinking as the organization itself. Since the majority of their content came in the form of blog posts, we used a non-traditional structure that separated the different categories into different pages on the site, and leveraged large feature rows on the homepage to drive users to those sections.